ISBN# 1-886941-64-5
Study Strategies Made Easy DVD

Publication Date: 1997
Leslie Davis, M.Ed.
Sandi Sirotowitz, M.Ed.

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sku# 0990DVD

DVD, 44 min. approx.

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About the Author

Leslie Davis, M.Ed. and Sandi Sirotowitz, M.Ed. earned masters degrees in exceptional education and they founded Educational & Diagnostic Services, Inc., a comprehensive learning center in South Florida.

Harvey C. Parker, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, author of seven books, nationally renown speaker, and co-founder of CHADD, Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Dr. Parker maintains a private clinical psychology practice in South Florida.


This Program shows students, parents, educators and health professionals important study strategies necessary for school success. Strategies focus on organizational skills, time management, improving reading comprehension, vocabulary development, communication, how to study for tests effectively, memorization and more.


"Study Strategies Made Easy is a well organized, comprehensive study skills program. We are using it with our middle and high school students. Educators, parents and students are giving this program rave reviews because it offers a great blueprint for academic success."
--Ellen Sterning, owner, Director, Learning Exchange, Milwaukee, WI

"I was a good student who wanted to excel. I am so glad that my parents found Study Strategies Made Easy. It allowed me to improve upon my skills and reach my true potential in high school, at Emory and now at Cornell Law."
--Deborah Morris, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, NY