
Handbook of Neurodevelopmental and Genetic Disorders in Children


Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. Cecil R. Reynolds, Ph.D.

ISBN# 1-57230-448-0
Publication Date: 1999
Hardcover, 560 pp


This important Handbook presents the latest research and practical knowledge about a broad range of disorders with a genetic component that affect children's learning, behavior, and development. The book demonstrates the difference that well-planned interventions and accommodations can make in the health and functioning of children with mild to severe neurodevelopmental impairment. Chapters offer in-depth discussions of specific disorders, including learning disabilities, ADHD, Tourette syndrome, anxiety disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, and numerous less frequently encountered conditions. Current research on etiologies is reviewed, neurodevelopmental, psychosocial, and medical implications are considered, and practical suggestions are provided for assessment and clinical management.


  1. Basic Principles and Applications
    1. Neurodevelopmental and Genetic Disorders in Children: An Introduction, Goldstein and Reynolds
    2. Neuropsychological Assessment in Genetically Linked Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Reynolds and Mayfield
    3. Neurobehavioral Disorders and Medical Genetics: An Overview, Carey and McMahon
    4. Neuroimaging and Genetic Disorders, Bigler, Nielsen, Wilde, Bartholomew, Brooks, and Bradford
    5. Integrative Developmental Neuropsychology: A General Systems and Social-Ecological Approach to the Neuropsychology of Children with Neurogenetic Disorders, Whelan
  2. Disorders Primarily Affecting Learning and Behavior
    1. Learning Disabilities, Ingalls and Goldstein
    2. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Goldstein
    3. Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome, Ronald. T. Brown and Ivers
    4. Anxiety Disorders, Pliszka and Olvera
    5. Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Klin and Volkmar
  3. Disorders with Broader-Spectrum Effects
    1. Turner Syndrome, Powell and Schulte
    2. Fragile X Syndrome, Hagerman and Lampe
    3. The Mucopolysaccharidoses, M. B. Brown
    4. Noonan Syndrome, Teeter
    5. Neurofibromatosis, Nilsson and Bradford
    6. Sickle Cell Disease, Smith
    7. Down Syndrome, Cody and Kamphaus
    8. Klinefelter Syndrome, Cody and Hynd
    9. Phenylketonuria, Waisbren
    10. Rett Syndrome, Robert T. Brown and Hoadley
    11. Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome, Morales
    12. Seizure Disorders, Bennett and Ho-Turner
    13. Prader-Willi Syndrome, Dykens and Cassidy
    14. Williams Syndrome, Morris and Mervis

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